Rating Agencies are familiar with Cogent QC Systems and have commented favorably in their reviews of Cogent clients. Here are examples what they’ve had to say in their annual reviews:
“[Client] has instituted a more robust QC and audit review since Fitch’s last review. [They have] created a separate internal QC group, complementing audits customarily conducted by the compliance unit. Also, … Cogent [QC System] was implemented this year … which provides highly customizable statistical sampling and detailed reports … All functions are audited against [Client]’s policies and procedures… Fitch views the new QC and audit programs, various internal layers of scrutiny, and regulatory oversight favorably.”
Standard & Poor’s
“The company implemented a Cogent [QC System] … that facilitates reviews through statistical sampling, analysis and reporting. All Cogent reports are provided to the parent… Standard and Poor’s believes [Client]’s auditing and compliance practices provide a solid foundation to guard against risk of loss to itself and its investors due to … errors or inefficiencies.”