This Cogent QC Systems Version 3.0 feature list shows all features introduced since Version 2.0. All features are available in all Cogent QC Systems.
Feedback Options (Enhanced and Redesigned)
Web-Based Feedback Application:
- New Feedback Home Page enables filtering of feedback items for easier management and response
- New Feedback Item List Page with additional fields, sortable headers, and enhanced readability
- New Feedback Response Page displays more information in following panels:
- Loan – data fields to be displayed may be configured by System Administrator
- Finding – presents details of QC department’s audit question finding
- New Response – with following information:
- Date Generated, Last Updated, and Closed Date
- Input fields to ‘Agree with QC finding’ (Y/N), provide a ‘Comment’ and/or provide ‘Remedial Action’.
- New option: ‘Comment Only’ checkbox
- Respondent Name field
- Responses Summary – displays most recent response, whether from QC department or Feedback Recipient, and link to Response History
- Response History – displays entire response history thread for all Feedback Recipient responses and QC responses, with time and date stamps.
Feedback Recipient Manager
- New Feedback Groups feature – enables creation of groups of Feedback Recipients and specification of those who will receive email notification of feedback generated versus those who simply have access to respond to feedback
- Feedback Recipients may change their own Web application access passwords (with appropriate permission)
- More Control over Feedback Recipients via ‘Locked?’ and ‘Failed Login Counter [and Reset]’ settings
- ASP.NET introduced, enabling encryption of feedback recipient passwords, enhanced web interface, and more
- New Feedback Groups feature – enables creation of groups of Feedback Recipients and specification of those who will receive email notification of feedback generated versus those who simply have access to respond to feedback
Manage Feedback
- Feedback Responses page:
- Enables QC department to respond to feedback responses from Feedback Recipients.
- Feedback loop continues until item is resolved and Closed by QC department
- Displays entire response history thread for all Feedback Recipient responses and QC responses, with time and date stamps.
- Feedback Responses page:
Enterprise Level Security Features
Administrator Tools >> User Access >>
- New screen layout and enhanced options:
- Workstation Locks
- Lock and unlock access from specific workstations
- Reset failed login counter
- Checkbox to require user to change password at next login
- Account & Password Rule Editor
- Account Configuration
- Lockout on [number of] attempts
- Login Attempts (number, time)
- Lock Outs Release options
- Inactivity lockout setting
- Notification and Logging
- Password Rules
- Min and Max Length
- Upper and Lower Case requirement
- Special Character
- Number
- Password change period
- Number of former passwords remembered
- Number of days Until Password can be changed again
- Do not allow users to have same password (Y/N)
- Account Configuration
- Additional Options
- Do not allow user to log into system
- Do not allow user to add/edit/delete feedback options
Admin Tools >> Configurations >>
- Allow any user to revert any completed loan
- New ‘Performance’ tab
- Do not display information panels in the audit review
- Do not include feedback counts in audit review
- Do not automatically update grid when date is changed
- Keep audit shell display conditions for the duration of the user’s session
- Do not store data or unanswered questions in audit review
Reporting >> Report Manager
- Targeted Loan Quality >> Targeted Reporting
- Enhancements (e.g., sortable headers)
Targeted Query Management
- New buttons to “Deactivate” targeted queries that are no longer in use and to “Show Active Only”.
Sample Types & Eligibility >> Modify Properties
- Denied Sampling now an option that can be activated by an Administrator [requires populating Loan Status field of loan record with code for ‘Denied’.]
Administrator permissions:
- Can update drop-down/lookups in real-time
- Can revert by default (all others need specific permission)
Supervisor clock – new
- Enables time/date stamping of Supervisor audit activity separately from Auditor audit activity.
Statistical Utilities
- Enhanced to be more intuitive
View Loan Status screen
- Available on main menu (Loan Review) and under Sample Types and Eligibility (Database Tools).
System Utilities
- New ‘Web Utilities’ tab
- Searchable grid displays Feedback Recipient activity, including:
- Resource ID (activity)
- Start Time
- Last Refresh
- Next Refresh
- ‘Drop’ button allows Administrator to drop selected or all Feedback Recipients from Web-based Feedback application
- Can also ‘Clear Expired’ Web sessions
- Searchable grid displays Feedback Recipient activity, including: