Recorded Webinars
Leveraging Sampling Efficiencies in Cogent QC Systems
This session focuses on the sampling tools available in Cogent QC Systems, beginning with Cogent’s pioneering statistical sampling methodology. We examine different sampling approaches, covering the tools available for each and how to use them effectively. Our goal is to leverage Cogent’s built-in sampling efficiencies to gain maximum insight into quality with minimal resources. Topics include: Statistical Sampling Methodology – Brief Case Study; Statistical, Stratified, Targeted, and Manual Samples; Sampling Wizard; Querying the Database with Sampling Tools; and Reporting.
Streamlining Your Workflow – Introduction
This session covers several tools for streamlining and automating your quality control and compliance audit workflows, including Loan Assignment Rules, Question Conditioning, Preset Comments, Default Settings, and Final Decision Automation. Each topic has been recorded separately for quick access (click on topic below).
Streamlining Your Workflow – Loan Assignment Rules
Streamlining Your Workflow – Question & Page Conditioning
Streamlining Your Workflow – Preset Comments & Default Settings
Streamlining Your Workflow – Final Decision Automation
Document DepotDocument Depot allows Cogent QC System users (both ProductionQC and ServicingQC) to upload any document in a standard format (such as PDF, DOC, XLS, etc.) into the Cogent system database, allowing you to store all documents related to a QC or compliance audit in the same system as the audit record. This may include appraisal reports, credit reports, loan documents, reverification letters, and so on. The document may be associated in Cogent with a particular loan record and/or with a particular audit question.
Automated Targeted Sample Size Calculation
Cogent can now automatically calculate targeted sample sizes in order to yield the same 2% precision and 95% confidence over 12 months that is calculated in the Statistical and Stratified samples. This session shows you how.
Preset Comments, Question-level Help
Preset comments are pre-defined text strings that may be assigned to individual audit questions and selected by auditors in place of manually inputting free form comments. This streamlines the audit and ensures consistency in audit comments as well as correct spelling and grammar.
Supervisor Review, Modification and Override
With increased scrutiny by regulators and investors, lenders need to check and re-check the audit results of both in-house staff and outsourced QC vendors. This session covers the different types and modes of supervisor review available in Cogent.
Multi-Sampling in Cogent QC SystemsA discussion of Cogent’s new Multi-Sampling capabilities, which enables individual loan records to be sampled more than once in a sample type. The discussion is preceded by a brief overview of Cogent’s sampling methodology and its rationale.
Managing FeedbackIn response to popular demand, Cogent’s Feedback functions have seen continuous improvement since they were upgraded for the .NET platform. In this session, we do a deep dive into the new features, showing how QC staff can securely and efficiently communicate adverse QC findings to the field, resolve them, and create an audit trail.
Database ManagementIn addition to the database management tools available under the Database Tools and Administrator Tools menu categories – such as Import Data, Change Loan Review Status, Sample Types and Eligibility, Lookup Table Manager, Data Groups and Watch Lists – Cogent systems have several other utilities for managing data, as well as available custom functions. This session helps you understand how your data is organized and managed.
Managing Users
Cogent system Users may be given a broad range of permissions, from the most far-reaching to the most limited. In addition, Administrators can grant various levels of permission to feedback recipients, who access the Web portion of the system only. In this session, we discuss User Access, Menu Access Levels, Loan Assignments, Configurations and System Utilities, all of which may be used to control user activity on Cogent systems.
Audit Shell Management
Users spend most of their time in audit shells, the primary audit environment of Cogent QC systems. With each successive version of CogentQC.NET, this audit environment becomes more flexible, giving you quicker access to functions, more information visible in all screens, and more control over the structure and behavior of audit shells. Join us for a walk-through of the audit environment and the many ways you can configure it to your needs.
Reverification Functions
Cogent automates the reverification of income, credit, employment and other factors used in the origination process. This session covers basic reverification functions, such as generation, tracking, logging and reporting on reverifications. We also cover how reverification functions can be customized for special uses, such as internal authorization forms and problem loan worksheets.
New Features in CogentQC.Net
This is an interactive session in which we briefly preview some new CogentQC.NET features and then hear from you. What new features would you like to see in CogentQC.NET? What are your process pain points? Also, what manual processes that you currently perform outside of Cogent could you integrate into the Cogent application? Join us, bring your ideas and make your voice heard!
Basic Reporting in CogentQC.Net
CogentQC.NET retains Cogent’s suite of standard reports but introduces many enhancements: a sleeker look for each report (including color), more efficient report generation, expanded save and export capabilities — even the report names have been updated to make them more meaningful. This is one of two sessions covering reporting. The second session covers Report Writer.
Managing Feedback in CogentQC.Net
Feedback functions in CogentQC.NET v3.0 have been significantly enhanced. In this session, we will do a deep dive into all the new features, showing how QC staff can securely and efficiently communicate adverse QC findings to the field, resolve them, and create an audit trail.
Sampling and Reporting Strategies
Cogent’s sampling methodology emphasizes minimal random sampling (Statistical and Stratified) and a focus on adverse or discretionary sampling (Targeted). Since you’re probably spending most of your time on Targeted sampling and reporting, it’s important to know how to get the most out of your Cogent system – and ensure that you’re doing it all correctly. This session will help.
Report Writer in CogentQC.Net
This session covers the powerful features of Report Writer for CogentQC.NET. See how you can query your database, create complex reports with drag-and-drop simplicity, save in various formats and export data from the system – all in the same tool.